"The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."
Erasmus + - Strategic partnership of
Slovakia, Greece, Italy - Sardinia,
Lithuania and Portugal.
About the project
Project „Historical treasures of Europe" is concentrated on the history of Europe. History of each European country is always the part of its cultural heritage. Historical buildings, castles, palaces, monuments and also heroes, monarchs, legends and traditions are the great treasure of each country.
In this project students will get to know the history of Europe in various attractive and interesting way. We will work especially on 5 main topics: Historical events, Sights, Monarchs, Heroes, Traditions.
Besides these main topics we will talk about Christmas, Easter, spring traditions, festivals,
crafts,...We will search information in internet, talk with our grandparents, visit museums, organize excursions in our regions and countries, we will organize some festivals and traditions at schools, we will show each other folk costumes, songs and dances.
Students create e-book of all topics - History of European countries - something like summary from all presentations - famous historical events in each country. Then we create the tourist guidebook - Historical treasures of Europe - about all significant and famous historical places, castles, sights in each European partnership country. It will be the result of excursions but also presentations about sights of each country. Talking about heroes we make a book of fairy tales - Heroes and Legends of Europe - together. In the topic - traditions - we will know traditional or folk costumes, dances, songs, we will talk about life in the past, we visit some natural museums. We will organize at least 1 tradition or festival.
Also crafts from the past typical for each country can be something interesting .The
All our results from local and international activities will be published on project website and school website.