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Erasmus + - Strategic partnership of
Slovakia, Greece, Italy - Sardinia,
Lithuania and Portugal.
Our school is a public three year junior high school in Athens, Greece. It has about 220 students,
aged 12-16 years old and 23 teachers. Each year we implement various cultural, environmental and
health programs, and programs about career education The main reason why we want to join this
project is because it gives the opportunity for integrating new teaching methods in cultural exchange,
while developing learning strategies, personal skills and key competences. The key person in charge
of running the project will be Ilias Lykogiannis.in collaboration with Maria Mastoraki. In case Mr
Lykogiannis leaves, Mrs Mastoraki will take over his role along with the school director.. Our specific
expertises are gamification, treasure hunt, clay animation and shadow theatre, but also various
education tools (for example pixton, glogster etc.) All the above can contribute to learning about
others historical treasures in an innovative way.