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Slovakia, Greece, Italy - Sardinia,
Lithuania and Portugal.
How we celebrate Christmas
On 6th Dcember Saint Nicholas is coming to Slovakia and he brings sweets to all good choildren. Of course he comes to our school every year, too.
Each family decorate Christmas tree and flat or house. On Christmas Eve We usually eat different types of soup - carp, sour cabbage soup or lentil soup. Then we usually have fried fish and potato salad .
Our other traditions are:
We eat wafer with honey and garlic to be healthy next year.
We cut an apple and each member of family eats a piece from it to come back home after year.
Each member of family breaks a nut to find out if he will be healthy next year.
We celebrate Christmas also at our school.
We make Christmas tree, decorations,
we realized Cribs Festival
a day before Christmas holiday.

Cookin, special decorations traditional customs are how we celebrate Christmas
Video - how we are celebrate Christmas in Lithuania
Christmas Eve –
family holiday, when people thank the God and the nature for the eyers grace and genorosity, and family members – for the help and love.

People also keep dry fasting. So dishes are made without meat, eggs and milk products cannot be used. People not only fasted, but tried to come to terms, forgive their family members and neighbors. By the evening everyone tried to give all debts.
There were usually 12 or 9, 13 dishes on the table. The most important meal on Christmas Eve is Christmas Eve bisquits. They are cooked from all kinds of cereals, peas, barley, rye, wheat. The special traditions is eating Christmas Eve
bisquits with poppymilk.
White oatmeal or red cranberry kissel. Cibulyne (sliced onion brine with grated and grilled herring heads). Served with potatoes. Wheat stew mixed with honey. Grated canapes,
flax seeds. Cakes with mushrooms.
A lot of magical power was attributed to greetings and wishes. They were considered as spells that must definitely be fulfilled.
During Christmas time between two feasts people sang the carols which were known from ancient times.