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Erasmus + - Strategic partnership of
Slovakia, Greece, Italy - Sardinia,
Lithuania and Portugal.
Klaipėda Gedminai progymnasium is rather big. There are 888 students and more than 70 teachers.
The school is active and well known for its activities of Tolerance Education Centre, Ethno culture
centre and also after school activities. The school is attractive to students and their parents, as much
attention is paid to the quality of education, students’ art education (there are established purposeful
classes of education of art, theatre, and dance). The school is not limited to a single standard. Since
2012, there are classes, applying the Waldorf pedagogy items. Progymnasium is always open for
innovations and takes part in the Education Improvement, Renovation, Partnership (Comenius,
Nordplus, Erasmus +) Projects. School community raised the priority to become a leader in the
application of IT in the region. A lot of attention is paid to the curriculum of information technology and
its integration with other subjects. Many teachers have created web pages for their classes; they also
successfully use the latest IT tools and training programs in the learning process. Progymnasium is
open for innovations, reaching the highest quality of education. The school has a lot of innovative and
energetic teachers who want to improve the educational process, to make it acceptable for modern