"The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."
Erasmus + - Strategic partnership of
Slovakia, Greece, Italy - Sardinia,
Lithuania and Portugal.
Online presentation for school community
15th June 2021 the project team presented the LLTA (Portugal) online for school community.
National Event "Project Fair 2019"
National educational institutions “Project Fair 2019” was held in Gedminai progymnasium on 19th February. The fair was really fruitful – there were 97 projects presented. Students, teachers and various education related individuals from educational institutions creatively presented school, national, international (Erasmus+, eTwinning, Nordplus) project activities enriching school life and the whole process of education. Participants innovatively showed their designed products, demonstrated how they are continuing their project activities which have already ended. All the participants shared joyful mood, got new ideas, teachers and students discussed the success of the project, the impact on the institution community, funds, programs and partner search as well as project application and the whole project implementation.

National Event "Project Fair 2020"
For the fifth year the Klaipėda Gedminai Progimnazium has hosted a national exhibition of educational projects – Mini-trainings "Project Fair". Active Lithuanian teachers and pupils presented more than 100 projects.
We have also introduced the Erasmus project “Historical treasures of Europe”. Preparation for this Fair show took few weeks before the event, because this year the project team decided to look at the traditional biscuits of the partner countries and bake them. The project team also prepared stands for project activities, created an interactive quiz, where all the visitors of the event could participate.

National Event "Project Fair 2021"
For the sixth year the Klaipėda Gedminai Progimnazium has organized a national exhibition of educational projects – Mini-trainings "Project Fair". This year the fair was online. Active Lithuanian teachers and pupils presented more than 80 projects.
We have also introduced the Erasmus project “Historical treasures of Europe”.
National students conference

It’s great to share
7b and 7e grade students, who had taken part in Erasmus+ school exchange project „Historical treasures of Europe“ in Greece, shared their epxperience with 6 graders. 7 form students taught a lesson about ancient Greece – introduced Acropolis, Micinai, Epidaurus theatre, told about their impressions, learnt sightseeing historical sights in Greece. It was a great pleasure watching 6 graders‘ curosity and answering their questions about memorable historical facts.

Erasmus+ forum
Klaipėda city schools‘ forum „ERASMUS+ projects: possibilities, experience, the benefits of educational change“ took place at Klaipėda Baltijos gymnasium on the 6th of February. Agnė Gečaitė, 7e grade student and Asta Jankauskienė presented „Erasmus+“ project "Historical treasures of Europe".