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"The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."
Erasmus + - Strategic partnership of
Slovakia, Greece, Italy - Sardinia,
Lithuania and Portugal.
Italy with Greece and Portugal - December 2018
Italian, Greek and Portuguese students and teachers had an online meeting through skype just before Christmas 2018. We talked about Christmas traditions and sang to each other Cristmas songs. The students were very enthusiastic to see their Erasmus friends and communicate with them.


Slovakia with Lithuania - June 2019
Slovakian and Lithuanian teachers and students met on 5th June on-line to have virtual mobility, to have videoconference.
The topic: Traditions
We talked about project and sang traditional songs. It was great on-line meeting.

Greece with Lithuania - December 2019
We had a meeting through skype with the students from Greece and Lithuania.
We sang Christmas songs and exchanged Christmas wishes.

The Greek team enjoyd the songs we sang to each other and the wishes we exchanged

Greece with Slovakia
During the Erasmus day 2020, which we organised on th 15. October 2020, the Greek team realized a videoconference with the Slovakian team. All our students were so happy to see and talk to the Slovakian students.

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