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Erasmus + - Strategic partnership of
Slovakia, Greece, Italy - Sardinia,
Lithuania and Portugal.
Christmas 2019 - cards
In the second year of our cooperation we talked about Christmas in each country, created some material and studied them.
We were writing about Christmas in each country also in our Calendar.
And we again made Christmas cards and small presents, send to each other and then at school we have done beautiful exhibitions.
This was again nice international activity.
Slovakian studends created postcards for our friends. We sent them by he post.
We received postcards from our friends and created collage.

Lithuanian team created postcards for Dear Partners. We sent them by the post.
We also received Christmas cards from our partners.

Christmas in our school.


We feel very lucky to have received so many Christmas cards from our Erasmus friends. We also created Christmas cards for them and sent them by post.