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Erasmus + - Strategic partnership of
Slovakia, Greece, Italy - Sardinia,
Lithuania and Portugal.
Project Days in Slovakia
We organized the 1 st Project Day on 26th October 2018 at school. We informed students about our project, partnership countries - Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, Slovakia.
We talked about the topic, the goals of our project, about the plan of meetings and activities.
Then we played the musical instruments, sang and danced together.

In November 2018 Television station visited our school and recorded reportage about our Erasmus+ projects.
We organized the 2nd Project Day on 25 March 2019 for parents, grandparents and community to inform them about our project, all achieved goals, progress, results and international meetings.
We sang, danced and remember folk traditions and dances, we talked about meetings in Greece and Sardinia, we screened our short videofilm about these meetings.

We organized the 3rd Project Day on 25 Oct 2019 for students and parents to inform them about our project, all achieved goals, progress, results and international meetings.
We sang, danced and remember folk traditions and dances, we talked about meetings in Greece Sardinia and Lithuania, we screened our short videofilm about these meetings.

We organized the 4th International Project Day on 14 November 2019 during the meeting in Slovakia called - Traditions o Europe. This program was realized for parents, grandparents, local authorities and community to show them traditions of Slovakia and also of our partnership countries. We also informed them about our project, all achieved goals, progress, results .
We sang, danced and remembered folk traditions and dances of Sloakia, andour friends showed us their traditional costumes, customs, songs and dances.
We spent great time together.

We organized the 5th Project Day on 15 October 2020 creating online activities fr pupils and brochure for parents and grandparents in which we informed them about the progress of our project and plan for next year.
Students solved various quizzes online and we also created some posters about our projects and wall board with information about project at our school.
We spent great time together.