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Erasmus + - Strategic partnership of
Slovakia, Greece, Italy - Sardinia,
Lithuania and Portugal.
Our institution is a very recent school cluster with approximately 1500 students. Currently,189 teachers work in the school. It is a state school cluster and includes students from 3 to 16. The area of pedagogical influence of the current Montelongo School Group comprises 15 parishes in the municipality of Fafe (North of Portugal) which includes students who have all the support from their parents, product of the environment of the urban center and also a small percentage of students from the most desertified and poor area of the municipality. It is located in the beautiful city park of Fafe.
The institution is therefore called to respond to audiences with very different characteristics. Our motivation when participating in these programs is to provide our students equal opportunities and education for everyone. To give them an opportunity they are unlikely to access otherwise: give them the chance to meet their peers from other countries in a safe and supportive way. We are sure that transnational collaboration is a perfect tool for achieving our goal: it makes young people get acquainted with other cultures, acquire new competences, develop their skills and solidarity, build mutual understanding and tolerance among young people, thus contribute to the promotion of their active citizenship and to strengthen social cohesion in the European Union.
There are interesting lessons, clubs and activities during the school term. It is a school very strong in terms of art. Some of our students articulate their curriculum with the music academy, arts academy and with the dance academy. The students take part in several national olympiads, contests and competitions (extensive reading, Maths, Sciences foreign languages and sports) with amazing results. Our school actively take part in national and international projects. Students are also educated in terms of citizenship and ethics. They take part in several charity projects, social actions and events and in the organisation of fundraising programmes to Guinea and raising food supplies for the Food Bank We also have an active Mentoring programme among students and teachers.
We have had Erasmus projects and carried out some international projects, especially in the area of sports. We organized the Youth Handball World Cup. A team of the Chicago Basketball Team was hosted by us two years ago. We receive every year foreign students to join us in activities promoted by the foreign languages department.
Teachers are constantly in training sessions to upgrade their knowledge.