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Erasmus + - Strategic partnership of
Slovakia, Greece, Italy - Sardinia,
Lithuania and Portugal.
Presented in Italy - Sardinia
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The students of Gedminai Progymnasium studied in Kėdainiai
28th February 2020 the project club and other students participated in educational excursion in Kėdainiai.
The purpose of this tour is to get acquainted with the important historical places, traditions, famous people and legends of the country.
(Kėdainiai is a town located in the very centre of Lithuania. The oficially established geographical centre of Lithuania is only a few kilometres away. It is one of the oldest cities in Lithuania, dating back from 1372. In the 15th century, the town became a regional trading centre and was referred to as oppidum – a town near a manor. For around 300 years, Kėdainiai belonged to Lithuanian noblemen Radvilas, one of the most powerful and influential noble families in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In the 17th century, it was one of the religious, cultural and educational centres for Protestants).